文中提出基于 Tcl/C 应用程序的自动测试系统的组建方案及其实现方法,它既可以为上层的自动测试应用程序提供通用的仪表控制接口,又可以通过一个通用的测控函数库统一控制和管理各类测试仪器,从而使测试程序和仪表控制模块分离,比现有的系统组建方法更具通用性和可扩展性。
The system is a toolset for remote control of measurement equipment. It decouples the functionality for controling the measurement equipment from the test applications. Therefore, As to any change in the implementation of this functionality, the library used by the automated testing system needs to be modified, and at the test application, an interface to new functions needs to be provided only. It made this new system more general and expansible.
Electronic Measurement Technology