乌兰木伦河发源于内蒙伊克昭盟东胜附近矿区中部,在神木县境下石拉沟处与正北流入的牛川相汇,下称窟野河.窟野河出矿区(店塔)流经神木县城及其南部的纵横黄土沟壑区,最后汇入黄河,属黄河中游的一条较大支流.乌兰木伦河和窟野河在矿区内流长分别为75km 和20km.目前规划开发的神府一东胜矿区,绝大多数的井口工业广场、洗煤厂,机械修造厂和各种配套的工业设施及十余万人的生活居住区等均设置在乌兰木伦河和窟野河的两侧.这两条河流将成为矿区大量生活污水和各种工业废水的唯一纳污水体。
The contents of As,Cr,Cd,Zn,Cu,Pb,Ni in the substrate of the Wulan Mu Luen River are lower than that of the Kuyei River.The contents of these elements in the two rivers are all lower than the element background values of main soil kinds in the coal minerals of Shenfu—Dongsheng area,it shows that the substrates of the two rivers have not yet been polluted by the heavy metals at present.It has been shown by the experiment that the substrate of the Wulan Muluen River has a poor capacity to adsorb and richen the heavy metals is the river water and that the one of the Kuyei River has a better capacity, because the substrate of the Wulan Muluen River mainly consists of sand and that of the Kuyei River has not only sand but also mud.Therefore,the heavy metal ions can not be discharged into the Wulan Muluen River in the case of the Shenfu-Duong sheng coal min- eral area.
Journal of Shaanxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition)