光纤液位计采用先进的光纤传感技术和传统的力平衡原理相结合 ,实现对原油罐液位实时检测 ,被测液位信号通过磁力耦合系统和光学编码器产生光脉冲信号 ,经光缆传输到光电转换器 ,变成电信号进行处理。系统做到了无电检测、传输 ,本质安全。
Sensing technologies of advanced optical fiber and principle of traditional power balance are adopted in the optical fiber liquid level Meter. The liquid level of oil can be measured real time by this meter.The measured signals are changed to light pulses by magnetic force couple system and optics codifier, and transmited to light electricity transformer by light cable,and turned into electrical signals to be processed. Liquid level signals can be measeured and transmited No electrcity by the sysytem.The essence of the sysytem is safety. The system can prevent explosion.
Shandong Electronics