去年,南非作家库切揭示南非新旧交替时代种族问题的小说《耻》获得了诺贝尔文学奖,再次引起人们对南非种族问题的关注和思考。 2004年,南非人迎来了推翻种族隔离统治10周年。10年过去了,种族隔离政策在文化上给各民族造成的隔阂与伤害,是否能在政治手段解决以后,随之得到弥合?废除种族隔离带来的文化意义是什么?新南非将走向何方?
Last year, South African writer and winner of the 2003 Nobel Prize in Literature, John M. Coetzee, wrote Disgrace, a novel which led people to reexamine problems of race in South Africa. This year, 2004, is the tenth year since the fall of apartheid. After all the damage that segregation has done to South African society and culture, can the racial gap ever be bridged? What lasting effect does apartheid have on South African society? In what direction is this new South Africa headed?
Cultural Geography