刑罚进化论对刑罚制度的线性发展持乐观态度 ,认为越是到现代 ,刑罚越人道和轻缓 ,这种观念影响较大 ,但是很值得质疑。作者通过对近现代刑罚改革思潮进行分析后指出 :所谓的刑罚进化论是不能成立的 ;刑罚的正当性与进化论无关 ,而只与刑事政策的运用 ,以及规范有效性的维持、规范的稳定有联系。坚持刑罚进化论命题 ,在刑事法领域会产生负面效果。一方面 ,刑罚进化论强制人们忍受残酷、多余的刑罚制度 ;另一方面 ,它也会导致阻碍刑罚改革的惰性思维的产生。
The theory of Penal Evolution is optimistic about the linear development of the system of punishment. It believes that with the advancing, the Criminal Policy becomes lighter and more human. This idea has a great influence. However, it deserves oppugnation. After analyzing the trends of thoughts of the modern penal reform, the author points out that the so\|called theory of penal evolution is hard to stand. The justice of the Criminal punishment, which is irrelevant to the Theory of Penal Evolution, only has connections with the application of the Criminal Policy, the maintenance of the effectiveness of norm and the stability of norm. The Theory of Penal Evolution, held by some people, will have a bad effect on the field of the Criminal Law. On the one hand, the Theory of Penal Evolution compels people to endure the cruel and superfluous system of punishment. On the other hand, it can produce the inert thought, which will prevent the reform of punishment.
Law and Social Development