目的 探讨玻璃体切割手术在治疗玻璃体腔后段悬浮锐性异物中的方法。方法 对明确诊断的2 3例玻璃体腔后段悬浮锐性异物患者 ,在切割玻璃体后段前首先行异物钳或手持电磁铁取出异物 ,然后彻底行玻璃体切割术。结果 玻璃体切割手术治疗 2 3例玻璃体腔后段悬浮锐性异物 ,2 2例异物取出顺利 ,1例异物坠落导致视网膜脱离。结论 玻璃体腔后段悬浮锐性异物在切割后段玻璃体前先行异物取出 ,可有效避免锐性异物坠落伤及视网膜 ,导致医源性视网膜脱离发生。
Objective To study the methods of treating the posterior segment intraocular sharp foreign bodies(IOSFBs) by pars plana vitrectomy. Methods For diagnosed IOSFBs 23 cases of pars plana vitrectomy for the removal was conducted. Before cutting the posterior segement vitreum, used micro foreign body tweezers or hand electromagnet to remove the foreign bodies at first and then doing vitrectomy thoroughly. Results Of the 23 cases available for the study, the IOSFBs could be removed in 22 eyes successfully. One patient’s the foreign body fell and caused retinal detachment among the operation. Conclusion Using vitrectomy to treat IOSFBs, removing IOSFBs at first , then doing vitrectomy completely during the operation.This method can avoid the IOSFBs fallen and injured retina directly.
Journal of Medical Forum