目的 :评价规范化培训对培养住院医师临床能力的作用。方法 :收集 3所三级甲等医院 34名住院医师 2 0 0 3年共 1316份病例的诊疗情况 ,采用SAS6 .12进行统计分析。结果 :经过规范化培训的住院医师与未经过培训者相比 ,部分临床技能数据有显著性差异。结论
Objective: Judge the effect of standard training on fostering clinic ability of physician. Methods: Collect 1 316 cases written by 34 physicians in 3 grade A hospitals in 2003, and analyze with SAS 6.12. Results: There is significant difference between trained physician and new hand on clinic skill. Conclusion: Training has significant effect on improving clinic ability.
Hospital Administration Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army