随着山区高速公路的建设 ,高填方路基涵洞设置凸显困难 ,有时不得不采用高架桥通过。现行有关规范对涵洞承受荷载规定使得盖板涵、拱涵、圆管涵的使用受到一定限制。通过采取“主动位移法”的理论分析 ,尝试解决高填方路基涵洞设计所遇到的困难 ,达到设计安全 。
High-fill subgrade setting is too difficult on moutain area.Sometimes elevated bridges have to be adopted.The applications of slab culvert,arch culvert and pipe culvert are limited according to relevent specifications.This paper therotical analyzed initiative displacement tried to resolve problems faced by high fill subgrade culvert design and to ensure design safe and reduce cost.
Liaoning Communication Science and Technology