目的 探讨高强度聚焦超声治疗对肝癌细胞血道播散的影响。方法 应用Nested RT PCR技术检测19例患者高强度聚焦超声治疗前、后外周血AFPmRNA的表达 ,观察其对肝癌细胞血道播散的影响。结果 ①高强度聚焦超声治疗前 ,19例肝癌患者外周血检出AFPmRNA表达者 11例 ( 5 7.9% ) ,良性疾病对照组均未检出。治疗前AFPmRNA表达阳性率与血清AFP水平、肿瘤直径、门静脉癌栓、远处转移等临床参数明显相关 (P<0 .0 5 )。②余 8例治疗前AFPmRNA表达阴性者 ,有 2例于术后即刻转为阳性 ,其中 1例于 72h后又复转为阴性 ;19例患者于治疗后 1周时其AFPmRNA表达阳性率 ( 31.6 % )低于治疗前 ,但差异无统计学意义 (P>0 .0 5 )。③治疗后 1周时 ,肿瘤直径≤8cm者AFPmRNA表达阳性率低于直径>8cm者 (P<0 .0 5 )。结论 高强度聚焦超声治疗可能会降低肝癌的血道播散 ,特别是对于肿瘤直径 ≤8cm的肝癌患者 ,疗效较好。
Objective To evaluate the effects of high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) on hepatic cancer cells spreading in blood.Methods AFP mRNA in peripheral blood of 19 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma was detected before and after HIFU therapy by RT PCR.Results ①Before HIFU therapy, 11 of 19 cases were AFP mRNA positive (57.9%), while the control group were all negative. AFP mRNA was correlated with some clinical parameters such as serum AFP level, tumor size, portal vein embolism and extrahepatic metastasis ( P <0.05). ②In 8 cases with preoperative AFP mRNA negative, only 2 cases became AFP mRNA positive immediately after therapy, and one of the 2 cases became negative again after 72 hours. One week after HIFU therapy, the AFP mRNA positive rate (31.6%) was much lower than the preoperative positive rate (57.9%), but there was no statistical significance ( P >0.05). ③After one week of HIFU therapy, the AFP mRNA positive rate of the group with tumor size less than 8 cm was much lower than that of tumor size larger than 8 cm ( P <0.05). Conclusion HIFU may reduce the spreading of hepatocellular carcinoma cells in blood. It is effective for patients with tumor size less than 8 cm.
Chinese Journal of Bases and Clinics In General Surgery