目的 探讨外伤性硬膜下积液的发病机理、临床表现、诊断和治疗。方法 CT扫描确诊 ,钻孔引流 ,清除血肿和积液。结果 36例中 ,痊愈 2 8例 ,轻度残废 2例 ,死亡 6例。结论 尽早CT确诊 ,根据病情手术与保守治疗相结合 。
Objective To explore pathogenesis of traumatic subdural liquid,clinical manifestation,diagnosis and treatment.Methods CT scan to diagnose,borehole to drainage,eliminate hematoma and liquid.Results In 36 cases,rehabilitation 28 cases,slight disability 2 cases,death 6 cases.Conclusion CT can make a definite diagnosis according to the state of the illness,operation and conservative treatment is the key of rescuing successfully.
Journal of Medical Forum