何金明没把自己当什么,因为他原本就是一个“小业主”;他也没把家乐福、沃尔玛当什么,尽管它们都是国际大鳄。他的人人乐只是碰巧在地理上和这两家比邻,就势把它们当作了老师和对手,在偷艺和过招之中竟然长大了。 谁也说不好在沃尔玛、家乐福全无束缚之后,曾令它们颇为挠头的人人乐还能不能顶得住。可能在它们眼中,人人乐还算不上真正的对手。但是,在整个零售业笼罩的大军压境的冷峻态势下,人人乐更纯粹的商业心态——尊重对手,并试图打败对手,除此之外,别无其他——是不是更现实,也更可贵? 所有关心自身生存空间是否受到外资公司挤压的企业,也许都应该读一读人人乐的故事:要说有什么核心能力,那是打出来的。
According to China's promises in the agreements of her entry into WTO, by the day Dec. 11, 2004, foreign retailing firms should be allowed to enter in Chinese market unlimitedly. It is estimated that the total sales of the retailing industry in the country would grow to $2.5 trillions in 2020. The future is so promising that many foreign retailing giants are going all out and increasing their investments in China. The board of Wal-Mart even moves to Shenzhen, where there is the biggest shopping in Asia and under the retailing giant, to hold their global gathering.
Now, most of the big supermarkets larger than 5,000 square meters are under foreign retailers, and their sales are also dominant in the market. Are the local retailers destined to fail in the competition? It would be too early to answer yes.
In 2000, a mid-scale supermarket in Shenzhen was unfortunate to fall in the pincer attack by Wal-Mart and Carrefour. In the face-to-face competition with two giants, however, the supermarket survived quite well, instead of being squeezed to death. Located at Shekou, it is a supermarket, an affiliate under Everybody Happy Chain Commercial Corporation based in Shenzhen.
At that time, Everybody Happy was a local small retailer with only four chain stores, with sales of about thirty thousands yuan. After three years since then, however, it has opened 19 large shopping malls in more than ten Chinese cities. Last year, with the revenue over RMB3 billions, it had become the biggest private chain re tailer in the country.