中国已经成为世界上第二大能源消费国,但石油供应隐忧甚多:石油来源单一;能源结构不合理;石 油战略储备严重不足。为此,中国必须立足国情,建立有中国特色的能源结构;形成多元化的石油供给体系;建立 石油战略储备体系;提高资源利用率,向新的经济增长方式转变。
China has become the second large energy consumption country, but there exists a variety of problems in the petroleum supply: The source of petroleum is single, the energy structure is not reasonable, and serious shortcoming is laid in the strategic repertory of petroleum. Therefore, China must build the energy structure that has Chinese characteristics according to national condition; form manifold supply system of petroleum;build the strategic repertory of petroleum; raise the resources utilization efficiency and change to other new economic growth methods.
Journal of Shandong Institute of Commerce and Technology