目的 探讨参果液漱口对预防鼻咽癌放疗所致放射性口咽反应的效果。方法 将1999年10月-2002年1月入住本科确诊为鼻咽癌的初治患者120例,随机抽样分为朵贝氏液组和参果液组各60例,分别进行预防放疗所致口咽反应的效果观察,朵贝氏液组用3%的朵贝氏液含漱;参果液组用参果液含漱,两组病人漱口与放疗同步进行,要求每天早、晚、三餐前后、放疗前后共漱口10次,每次15-20 m1.持续含漱约5 min。餐后先用开水清洗口腔再含漱,以提高药物的效果。疗程从放疗开始至放疗结束。结果 参果液组放射性口咽反应的程度明显低于朵贝氏液组,P<0.001。Ⅲ度以上口咽反应出现的时间较朵贝氏液组迟,P<0.05。结论 参果液漱口对预防鼻咽癌患者放射性口咽反应有一定疗效,可替代朵贝氏液作为鼻咽癌放射性口咽反应的预防用药。
Objective To evaluate the effect of Shen -Guo Gargle in prevention of radiation -induced oropharynx mucositis in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) patients. Methods 120 patients with primary NPC hospitalized from October 1999 to January 2002 were randomized into two groups: 60 in Shen-Guo Gargle group (study group) and 60 in Dobells Solutions group (control group). All through the course of radiotherapy, the patients in the former group, gargled with Shen-Guo Gargle and those in the latter did with Dobells Solutions before and after treatment, 10 times each day, with a dosage of 15-20 ml each time and lasting 5 minutes. In case of post-meals, gargling was done first with boiled water to improve the effects of the gargles.The period of treatment covered the begining of radiotherapy to the end. Results The radiation-induced oropharynx mucositis in the study group was significantly slighter than that in the control group (P<0.001) and the occurrence of radiation-induced oropharynx mucositis at more than Grade Ⅲ in the former group was later than that in the latter (P<0.05). Conclusion Shen-Guo Gargle is more effective in preventing radiation-induced oropharynx mucositis in NPC patients and it can take the place of Dobells Solutions to prevent radiation-induced oropharynx mucositis in NPC patients.
Nanfang Journal of Nursing
nasopharyngeal carcinoma
oropharynx mucositis,radiation
Shen-Guo Gargle
Dobells Solutions