目的 推广消化性溃疡患者的家庭护理,达到促进健康和预防并发症的目的。方法 每周六派1名护理人员上门对患者进行心理护理,饮食、用药指导,病情观察。结果 家庭护理前后46例消化性溃疡患者在了解病因、用药方法、饮食知识、参加有益身心活动、并发症、治愈方面分别经x2检验,P值均<0.01,有显著性差异。说明家庭护理对消化性溃疡患者的康复有促进作用。结论 消化性溃疡患者的家庭护理使患者了解和掌握疾病的有关知识,促进患者健康,降低并发症发生率,提高生活质量。
Objective To enhance their health and prevent the complications through popularizing home nursing care of the peptic ulcer patients. Methods 1 nurse called at the patient's home every Saturday to conduct mental care, instructions of dieting and medication and observation of the states of illness. Results The differences before and after conducts of home care were significant in terms of understanding disease causes, medication method, dieting knowledge, participation in activities, complications and heal rate by x2 test (P<0.01), indicating home care promoted the recovery of their peptic ulcers. Conclusion Home care can help patients understand the ulcer-related knowledge, speed up their recovery, lower the occurrence rate of complications and raise the quality of life.
Nanfang Journal of Nursing