通过响应面分析的方法对发酵生产γ 氨基丁酸(GABA)的培养基进行优化.利用二水平正交试验考察葡萄糖、豆饼粉、玉米浆、K2HPO4、吐温 80、起始pH值和谷氨酸钠(MSG)对发酵生产GABA的影响.利用极差分析找出主要影响因子:分别为豆饼粉、玉米浆和葡萄糖.利用中心组合设计与响应面分析进一步考察主要影响因子并确定了最佳培养基的组成.在优化培养基中,GABA产量增加约4倍,达到3.63g/L,实验值与预测值基本相符.
Response surface analysis (RSA) was applied to optimize the culture medium for γ-Aminobutyric Acid(GABA) production. In the first optimization step, the influence of glucose, soybean flour, corn steep liquor, K(2)HPO(4), Tween-80, initial pH and monosodium glutamate (MSG) on GABA production was evaluated using a fractional factorial design. The significant factors at the analysis range are: soybean flour, corn steep liquor and glucose. Using the yield of GABA as the optimization index, the optimal medium components were determined by a central composite design and response surface analysis. Under the optimal conditions, the experimental values agreed with the predicted values. The yield of GABA increased nearly 4 times to 3.63 g/L.
Journal of Wuxi University of Light Industry