
阿昌族的制铁技术及相关问题 被引量:11

The Making-Iron Technology and Related Problems of AChang Nationality
摘要 对云南省德宏傣族自治州陇川县户撒乡阿昌族的传统制铁技术进行了调查.主要有芒东寨的农具制作、新寨的景颇刀制作、海南寨的铁犁铸造、里蛮呆村的刀具装饰制作,并访谈了解到阿昌族的各种钢铁材质的处理技术.其中有些是前人较少注意的,如错铜技术、淬火技术、渗碳技术及装饰工艺.最后还对阿昌刀的传统技术与社会的关系进行了一些讨论. The paper investigates the traditional making-iron technology of AChang Nationality in Hu Sa township, Long Chuan County, Yunnan Province. It mainly involves the technique of making of the farm tools in Mangdong village, making of Jinpo knife in Xingzhai village, casting of the iron plough in Hainan village, and decorating of the knife in Limandai village. It finds some different processes of using the different steels and irons of AChang Nationality which are rarely concerned about . Finaly, it also discusses the relationship between the traditional ironing technique and AChang society.
作者 李晓岑
出处 《广西民族学院学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2004年第2期28-33,共6页 Journal of Guangxi University For Nationalities(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金资助项目(00CMZ005)
关键词 阿昌族 户撒刀 制铁技术 AChang Nationality Husa Knife Making-Iron Technology
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