当前国内城市举办的各类节庆 ,投入大而影响小。通过考察节庆的起源和发展历史 ,认为原因在于举办者忽视了节庆的基本内涵 :节庆根基于生活的内在需求 ;节庆必须具备广泛的群众基础。只有满足了这样的条件 ,城市节庆才能健康成长 ,并在提升城市地位的过程中发挥应有的作用。
At present large sums of money have been invested to hold a variety of festivities in many cities of China but have produced little influence. By examining the origin and evolution of festivity,the present author believes that the failure is due to the fact that organizers have ignored the basic elements of festivity. For one thing,festivity originates from inherent demands of life. In the second place,it requires extensive participation of ordinary citizens. Only the fulfillment of such conditions can ensure the sound development of festivity which,accordingly,will play its proper part to enhance the status of cities.
Urban Problems