本文通过揭示赈灾这样的特殊事件及与“分厂”相关连的地方惯习的变化 ,勾勒出有清至民初嘉定、宝山“分厂”制度的确立和衍化过程 ,在此基础上探讨了“厂董”职能的转化以及传统的乡镇管理模式与清末民初地方自治之间的关系 ,指出在清初救荒活动中划分的以市镇为核心的“厂”的管辖区 ,后来逐渐演变成事实上的地方行政区划。至清末民初 ,尽管“厂域”界限纷争不清 ,但该地的地方自治区域还是完全按照原来的“厂域”面积拟定的。
Through an examination of the interrelations between special circumstances of disaster assistance and the local custom of providing relief this article outlines the establishment and spread of the fenchang system of relief (分厂制度) in Jiading and Baoshan from the Qing to the early Republican period. This examination provides the basis for an inquiry into the relationship between late Qing early Republican local self-government, the changing function of “relief directors', and the forms of rural administration. During the early Qing, the market town was the administrative locus of relief activities, afterward these units gradually became formal administrative divisions. By the late Qing and early Republic, even though the boundaries of the fenchang were not always clear, the self-governing units of the region were defined according to the area of the existing fenchang.
The Qing History Journal