目的 :探讨惊恐障碍的发病相关因素 ,临床特点及治疗。方法 :对 5 0例惊恐障碍病人使用汉密尔顿抑郁自评量表及自制调查问卷 ,对病人起病因素、临床特点及治疗情况进行分析。结果 :惊恐障碍病人多初诊于心内科 ,症状表现以心血管、呼吸系统症状多见 ,经心理治疗及抗抑郁剂合并抗焦虑剂治疗 ,症状迅速缓解。结论
Objective:To study the clinical characteristics and treatment of the patient with panic disorder .Methods:Using Hamilton depressive scale to self compiled investigation form to analysis the cause clinical characteristics and treatment of the disease .Results: The patients with panic disorder went to see the doctors at first in cardiovascular department,The main symptome was on cardiovascular system and respiratory system and with the treatment of antidepressants psychological therapy, the symptoms was eased rapidly.Conclusion :To underst and their symptoms is benefit for diagnose and treatment of the disease