盛唐诗人以高人自我的行为准则来规范人格设计行为 ,这是真正的以人为中心而以适意为旨归的生存方式。他们在吸取了魏晋名士萧散放达成分的基础上 ,克服了执“有”执“无”的偏见 ,消解了内心愤世嫉俗的激烈 ,避免了生命和心灵受到侵害和纷扰 ,从人物品藻出发而走向了自然品藻 ,形成了与魏晋人格形似而实异的盛唐风范。与魏晋风流比 ,虽然都是“放达”的形态 ,最本质的区别就是盛唐人骨子里的自信 ,魏晋人灵魂深处的自卑。盛唐诗人的这种特定文化生态中解放出来的生命豪情 ,表现出人的真正意义上的觉醒 ,生成了一种崭新的人生价值取向 ,出落成从世俗自我走向高人自我的潇洒风神 ,进而将这种崭新的士人人格境界转化为山水诗的意境。
The Poets in Mid-Tang Dynasty standardized personality design by self-noblizing code of conduct. It is truly a man-centered and comfort-Oriented life style. Drawing on the abandonment style of the celebrity. Xiao-shan in Wei-ji Dynasty, they overcame the prejudice against 'have' and 'have-not', dispelled the radical cynism, protected the heart and soul from disturbance and hurt, thus transitted from character worship to natural worship, forming a Mid-Tang mode which is similar in form but different in matter in comparison with the Wei-ji mode. Although both are in 'abandonment' form, the most essential difference lies in the fact that where there is self-confidence with Mid-Tang poets there is a sense of inferiority with Wei-ji peers. This passion of life released out of a specific cultural ecology, manifests an awakening in a true sense, forms a new life value orientation. Thus the worldly self mood gives way to the noble self mode, and the new celebrity personality mood is further sublimated into a landscape mode.
Journal of Nantong Teachers College(Social Science Edition)
Mid-Tang poets
personality mode
nature worship
Wei-ji celebrity