目的 :探讨重症烧伤患者在治疗中静脉穿刺置管的应用与维护方法。方法 :1998年 1月至 2 0 0 3年 10月间 ,我们对 4 2例重症烧伤伴外周静脉穿刺困难的病人 ,根据不同的情况分别用五种方法进行了静脉置管输液治疗。结果 :静脉导管留置时间最短 7天 ,最长 10 2天 ;有 4例在应用期间发生导管脱出 ,19例发生穿刺点的红肿疼痛 ,2例发生静脉炎。根据不同情况选择不同的置管途径和方法 ,有效地保障了重症烧伤患者的输血、补液和抢救时的用药。结论 :及时建立通畅的静脉通道 ,是重症烧伤患者抢救治疗的重要保障 ;根据不同的情况尽早采取外周或中心静脉穿刺置管 ,具有病人痛苦小、护理难度小、留置时间长、有利于输血。
Objective: To discuss the method for retaining venipuncture in MEBT/MEBO treatment of severe burn. Method: Five kinds of retaining venipuncture transfusion were performed on 42 cases of severe burn, these patients had difficulty in conducting retaining venipuncture. Result: The shortest venipuncture retention time was 7 days and the longest 102 days. Four cases had the venous catheter fell off and 19 cases had swellings and pain at the puncture point. Two cases had phlebitis. Different ways and methods were selected according to different conditions, in order to ensure blood transfusion and fluid infusion and application of the drug. Conclusion: Venipuncture retention is an important step in severe burn treatment. It has many advantages including less pain, easier nursing work and longer retention time, it is favorable to blood transfusion and fluid infusion and application of the drug.
The Chinese Journal of Burns Wounds & Surface Ulcers