目的 :观察美宝湿润烧伤膏 (MEBO)治疗新生儿尿布皮炎的临床效果。方法 :对 85例尿布皮炎患儿 ,在综合护理的基础上 ,对潮红的皮肤用生理盐水清洗后 ,直接涂MEBO ;对已出现水疱的皮肤损伤创面 ,用新洁尔灭消毒后再用无菌纱布蘸净 ,然后将水疱内液体放出后外涂MEBO ;对皮肤损伤较重、腐皮下及创面已污染者先将腐皮剪除 ,新洁尔灭消毒 ,无菌纱布蘸净后涂MEBO ;涂药应均匀于皮炎部位 ,并用指腹部轻轻按摩 ,使药物渗入皮肤 ,据病情每日 2~ 3次。涂药厚度 1mm~ 2mm ,外敷一层油沙 ,有的外层无菌纱布可低张包扎 (便于包扎的部位 )。结果 :均在使用ME BO后 1天~ 4天痊愈 ,临床治疗效果显著。结论 :MEBO治疗新生儿尿布皮炎 ,临床治疗效果显著 ,无副作用 ,经济、方便 。
Objective: To observe the efficacy of MEBO in treating neonatal diaper dermatitis. Method: 85 cases of neonatal diaper dermatitis were treated with MEBO after their flush skin was cleaned with normal saline. The lesion skin with blisters was sterilized with bromogeramine and wiped dry with sterilized gauze. The fluid inside the blister was removed before MEBO application. Seriously injured and contaminated skin areas were treated with bromogeramine after cutting away the putrid skin and slough. MEBO was applied uniformly with the aid of sterilized gauzes and by gently massage with finger to promote penetration of the drug. MEBO was applied 2 to 3 times a day to a thickness of 1 mm to 2 mm, and was covered with oil gauze. Result: All the injured skin areas were cured in 1 to 4 days after MEBO treatment. The efficacy was very remarkable. Conclusion: MEBO is markedly effective for treating neonatal diaper dermatitis. It has no side effect. It is economical and convenient to use and is worthy to be popularized.
The Chinese Journal of Burns Wounds & Surface Ulcers