
血液氧自由基、血乳酸、主观用力感觉、心率与运动强度相关性的研究 被引量:15

Study on the Correlations Among the Blood Free Oxygen Radicals, Blood Lactate,RPE,Heart Rate and Exercise Intensity
摘要 为探索抗氧化运动强度与监控指标的确定,采用CR2000RC氧自由基生化分析仪、LT 1710血乳酸测定仪、Borg(15、10)主观用力感觉等级量表、心率监测系统对受试者(n=9)从事300、600、900、1200、1500KPM/min不同强度踏车(Monark839E)运动(每级负荷运动5min)时血液氧自由基、血乳酸、主观用力感觉、心率的变化进行测定,并对其进行了相关性分析。结果表明:心率、RPE(15、10)与运动强度(KPM/min)之间呈现高度线性相关,r=0 959、0 923、0 918;血液氧自由基浓度与运动强度、心率、RPE之间的相关性较低,但其变化趋势类似于血乳酸的变化,低强度时(≤900KPM/min)虽运动强度增加但血液氧自由基浓度保持不变,当运动强度超过900KPM/min时,血液氧自由基浓度随运动强度增加而增加;RPE10与血乳酸之间的相关程度高于RPE15、心率、运动强度与血乳酸的相关程度。认为心率、RPE(15、10)可作为监控抗氧化运动强度的理想指标;血液氧自由基浓度不能作为运动强度的监控指标;从抗氧化运动角度而言,健身运动的强度应以血乳酸4mM、心率130beats/min、RPE15值11、RPE10值3左右为宜。 This paper deals with the determination and control index of anti-oxidation exercise intensity.By testing blood free oxygen radicals (FORT),blood lactate(BLA),rating of perceived exertion(RPE),heart rate(HR) of different exercise intensity with some equpments of CR2000RC free oxygen radicals monitor,LT-1710 BLA tester,RPE chart,heart rate monitor. The number of subject is nine.The intensity of workload is separately given 300,600,900,(1?200),(1?500)?KPM/min with the Monark 839E.Each load lasts 5 minutes.The correlations among the indexes are analyzed with SPSS12.0. HR and RPE(15,10) are correlative significantly with exercise intensity,r=0.959,0.923,0.918.FORT has low relativity with exercise intensity,HR and RPE,respectively. The changing trend of FORT is similar to that of BLA. The content of FORT has no change when the intensity is lower than or equal to 900 KPM/min,though the intensity of workload increases. When the intensity is more than 900 KPM/min,the bigger the intensity is,the higher the FORT content rises.③The relationship between RPE10 and BLA is higher than that of RPE15,HR and exercise intensity with BLA.It is concluded that HR,RPE(15,10) can be considered as the ideal indexes of supervising anti-oxidation exercise intensity.The FORT could not used as the index of supervising exercise intensity.Form the view of anti-oxidation exercise,the intensity of physical activity for health should be controlled with BLA 4mM;HR 130b/min;RPE15 11;RPE10 3.
出处 《沈阳体育学院学报》 2004年第3期360-362,共3页 Journal of Shenyang Sport University
关键词 血液氧自由基 血乳酸 主观用力感觉 心率 运动强度 抗氧化运动 相关性研究 blood free oxygen radicals blood lactate rating of perceived exertion heart rate exercise intensity anti-oxidation exercise
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