The development and implementation of automatic strand taper control (ASTC) used in combination with SMART^(R) segment technology leads to considerable improvements in the internal strandquality of continuously cast steel through the reduction of center segregation. The roll-gap taper isremotely adjusted and with the application of dynamic soft reduction the special demands for transientcasting conditions can also met. As of May 2003 nine slab casters comprised of a total of eleven strands are operating with SMART^(R)/ASTC technology in Finland, USA, ltaly, Austria, Korea and China. Additional orders have been placedfor the installation of this technology in seven other casters having a total of eighteen strands. SMART^(R)/ASTC technology is ideal for the casting of all steel grades in both slab and bloom casters--the latterexemplified by the scheduled start-up of the six-strand bloom caster at PANZHIHUA Iron & SteelGroup in China.
Continuous Casting