本文主要利用地方志文献 ,力图恢复清代至民国时期陇东地区森林分布和覆盖状况 ,反映这一时期该地区森林分布面积和分布空间的变化 ,并探求森林覆盖变化的内在原因。在这一时期内 ,陇东地区森林分布面积和空间均呈缩减的态势 ,天然森林进一步遭到破坏。清政府和民国政府虽然意识到森林破坏的严重性 ,并且采取了一些措施 ,如实行对森林开采的不同程度的封禁、制定法令制度来保护以及进行规模不等的植树造林活动等。但收效甚微 ,人工次生林没有发展起来 。
The author tries to restore the situation of forest distribution and overlay, and describes the changes and causes of distribution acreage and space in Longdong region from Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China. During this Period, the distribution acreage and space showed curtailment, at the same time, the natural forest were chopped down continuously. Although the central government of Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China had already realized the seriousness of chopping forest and taken some measures, such as forbidden chopping forest at some extent, established law and system to protect and plant trees and so on. Yet the effect of these measures were weak and the natural forest acreage was decreasing day by day.
Journal of Chinese Historical Geography
中国科学院知识创新工程重大项目 (KZCX1 - 1 0 - 0 2 )研究成果