20世纪二三十年代 ,中国农民离村人数激增。农民大量离村 ,实质上是农村劳动力的流动与流失 ,虽客观上为流入区带来一定积极后果 ,但就当时国情而言 ,其负面影响占主导地位 ,它实际是农业生产力遭受严重破坏、农村社会趋于崩溃的反映 ,动摇了国民经济的基础 ,加剧了时局的动荡 ,成为引起全社会关注的社会问题。华北地区是我国农业生产的主要区域之一 ,此区域内的农民离村现象 ,在全国范围内具有典型意义。通过对它的研究 ,不仅可以了解其时北方农村的社会现实 。
In the 1920s'-1930s', thousands of Chinese peasants tore themselves away from their native places. Thus meant that the labor force of farming was washed away, the productive forces of agriculture were seriously destroyed, the foundation of the national economy was shaken and the turbulent situation was intensified. The problem was so serious that the whole society paid close attention to it.The North China is one of the most important farming areas of China where the problem was apparent typically. By researching of this problem, we can not only know about the social reality of the Northern part of China, but also outline the general situation of the whole country.
Journal of Chinese Historical Geography