
产业集聚的均衡性和稳定性 被引量:39

Equilibrium and Stability of Industrial Cluster
摘要 生产要素的流动促进产业集聚的发生 ,但仅作为贸易替代的要素流动 ,不足以发生产业集聚。历史和偶然事件对产业区位的形成有很大的影响 ,而循环累积过程导致产业长时期地锁定在某个地区。 production factors cannot flow, agglomerations will never appear. If the flow of production factors is only the substitution of trade, agglomerations cannot be impelled either. Agglomerations come into being thanks to low transportation costs, considerable increasing returns and a large share of manufacturing industry in the economy. Why does a particular industry cluster in a particular place? There are several reasons including influence from history or by accident, and the self\|realization and expectation of accumulative circulation. Influence from history or by accident is the source of industrial districts, while the effects of accumulative circulation cause the industry to be locked in a particular place. However, expectation and self\|realization can facilitate the transfer of agglomeration centers or formulate new centers.
作者 梁琦
机构地区 南京大学商学院
出处 《世界经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第6期11-17,共7页 The Journal of World Economy
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