
品牌形象系统的因素结构 被引量:25

摘要 采用问卷法以 4 4 6名大学生为被试 ,运用探索性因素分析探讨了不同产品类别 (牙膏、运动鞋和随身听 )的品牌形象的构成因素 ,然后以整体分配法确定了各因素的权重。结果表明 :(1)品牌形象是由若干因素构成的有组织、有序的系统 ,这些因素分别属于功能成分和意义成分。 (2 )不同产品类别的品牌形象构成有共性 ,也有个性。(3)低外显产品的功能成分比高外显产品的功能成分重要。 Brand image is the attributes set and the related associations of a brand in consumers' mind. The study explored the factors of brand image system of three different product categories and their weight. The factors of brand image were explored through questionnaire. Toothpaste, sports sneaker, and personal stereo were chosen as product sample, and four hundred and twenty undergraduates from Tangshan city and Beijing as subjects (each person evaluated two kinds of products). Hereinto the first two kinds of products which were requisites of undergraduates, sports sneaker belongs to high conspicuous products and toothpaste was a low conspicuous product. On the other hand, personal stereo was the sample of development and entertainment products. Several factors of three products' brand image were taken out with exploratory factor analysis. In order to explore the weight of the brand image factors, and as the factor contribution ratio method is not veracious, holistic quartation method was used here. Twenty six undergraduates evaluated the weight of the image factors of three kinds of brand with holistic quartation method. Product function, advertising and propaganda, market orientation, product grade, corporation image are the factors of toothpaste brand image. Product function, advertising and propaganda, symbolic meaning, market orientation, brand appetency, consuming experience are the factors of sports sneaker brand image. Corporation image and product function, advertising and propaganda, consuming experience, symbolic meaning, price and function ratio are the factors of personal stereo brand image. So the hypothesis was proved that brand image is an ordinal and organic system, 'ordinal' means that the weight of the factors are different, 'organic' means that brand image can be deposed into several factors and the factors belonged to function components and meaning components. function components are the factors about physical characteristics and function, which are called 'hard factors'; meaning factors that can show the personality?value and lifestyle of consumers, which are called 'soft factors'. The research also gave evidence of the hypothesis below: the factor structures of brand image of different product category have commonness and individuality; the function components of low conspicuous products are more important than the counterpart of high conspicuous products.
出处 《心理学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2004年第3期359-364,共6页 Acta Psychologica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目 (批准号 :795 0 0 0 2 0 )
关键词 品牌形象 功能成分 意义成分 产品类别 brand image, function components, meaning components, product category.
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