用显微及亚显微方法研究了中华绒螯蟹雌体不同生理阶段 (幼蟹、未成熟蟹、成熟蟹、抱卵蟹和流产蟹 )腹肢的体壁结构变化和粘液腺发育特征。体壁的上皮细胞层常与粘液腺相连 ,粘液腺分泌物经导管穿过各层角膜排出。不同生理状况下中华绒螯蟹的腹肢体壁各角膜层结构的比例及致密度有明显的差异 ,粘液腺细胞及导管的数量不同 ,粘液腺与上皮细胞的连接程度也不同。粘液腺是否正常分泌、刚毛囊的开闭均与中华绒螯蟹的胚胎附着有关。比较研究发现 ,太湖抱卵蟹腹肢体腔内腺体比温州本地抱卵蟹腹肢内腺体发达 ,分泌的粘液也特别多。分析认为中华绒螯蟹腹肢组织结构。
The tegument and exoskeleton structure and the cement glands activities of female pleopod in different physiological stages of Eriocheir sinensis were investigated by histological method.The results show that the pleopod tegument consists of epicuticle,exocuticle,endocuticle and epithelial cells.The epithelial cells often connect firmly to cement gland.Cement gland tubules come across the exoskeleton.In different physiological stages (youth,maturation,spawning,and abortion),the pleopods of Taihu spawning crab and Wenzhou local crab have some significant differences,which mainly shows in the ratio and the array of epicuticle,exocuticle,endocuticle and epithelial cells,the amount and the distribution of the setae pockets,the substance in the setae pockets and the cement glands secretion aperture.Also,the cement glands activities and the open gates of the setae pockets are related to the egg attachment.The histological structure of pleopod between Taihu spawning crab and Wenzhou spawning crab is different,which the cement glands and mucus of Taihu spawning crab are much higher than those of Wenzhou spawning crab.The analysis shows that the abortion of Eriocheir sinensis closely relate to the histological structure of pleopod,and the development and activity of cement gland.
中国-葡萄牙政府间国际合作项目 ( 2 0 0 1-2 0 0 3 ) (A18)
温州市科技局基金资助项目 (N2 0 0 0A2 6)
温州市 5 5 1人才基金项目
乐清市科技局基金资助项目 ( 0 2N0 43 )
Eriocheir sinensis
Tegument of pleopod
Physiological stage
Abortion crab