采用微波辐射技术活化膨润土制备Cu2 + 废水处理吸附剂 ,研究了微波辐射时间、膨润土用量、振荡吸附时间、废水中Cu2 + 初始浓度、pH等对微波活化膨润土吸附去除Cu2 + 效果的影响。结果表明 ,微波辐射可以活化膨润土 ,并取得满意的吸附效果 ;与马弗炉焙烧活化相比 ,微波活化膨润土工艺简单 ,可以大大缩短活化时间 。
The bentonite that was activated by microwave heating was used as adsorbent to treat Cu 2+ wastewater. The effect on the adsorption of Cu 2+ in bentonite of microwave heating time, dose of bentonite, oscilation adsorption time, intial Cu 2+ conentration in wastewater, pH etc. was studied. The results showed that microwave heating can activate bentonite, leading to satisfactory adsorption effect. Compared with the heating activation by Muffle oven, the microwave heating activation technology is simpler and the activation time can be greatly shortened, leading to an enormous saving in activation needed energy.
Metal Mine