
森林社会效益价值评价研究综述 被引量:42

Review on the Research on Valuation of Forest Social Benefits
摘要 对森林社会效益的认识可以追溯到 18世纪的德国 ,主要是由于对森林美学的研究而引起的 ,其评价研究始于2 0世纪 4 0年代。对森林社会效益 ,目前国内外还没有形成一个明确的、权威的定义 ,多数定义主要是对森林社会效益内容的描述、列举 ,还缺乏一个明确的、本质性的界定 ,还需要从经济学、生态学、环境经济学、林学和社会学等角度进行探索、研究。对评价内容也没有形成统一的认识 ,也处在认识、研究之中。比较认同的评价内容是森林提供的就业机会、森林游憩和森林的科学、文化、历史价值。森林社会效益的价值评价方法的研究 ,更是一个复杂的系统工程 ,目前 ,对森林提供的就业机会主要采用投入产出法、指数法评价 ;对森林游憩价值主要采用旅行费用法等评价 ;对森林科学、文化、历史价值主要采用指标评价法、条件价值法和综合模型评价法等评价。 It was pointed out that the evaluation of forest social benefits is becoming more and more important, and the main purpose of evaluation is to make valid and rational decisions for policy makers. It could be traced back to 18th century in Germany to have a practical understanding of forest social benefits, with mainly caused by forest aesthetic study, and the evaluation research started in 1940s. At present at the home and abroad, an explicit and authoritative definition for forest social benefits has not been formed, many definitions and summarizations focused on the descriptions and enumerations, it could be still short of a clear and essential one, and still need more explore and research from the viewpoints of economics, ecology, environmental economics, forestry and sociology etc. At one time, an uniform understanding about the forest social benefits evaluation contents has not been formed, it is also under studying, but forest supplying employment opportunities, offering tourism services and holding the values of science research, culture and history are the identification contents for evaluation. The evaluation methods of forest social benefits still be thought as a complicated systems engineering. Presently, input-output method and index method are usually used to evaluate the values of forest supplying employment opportunities; the method of traveling expenditure is used to evaluate the values of forest tourism and the index method, contingent value method (CVM) and the synthetical models method are normally used to evaluate the values of science research, culture and history in forest social benefits.
作者 张颖
机构地区 北京林业大学
出处 《世界林业研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第3期6-11,共6页 World Forestry Research
关键词 森林社会效益 价值评价 就业机会 森林游憩价值 森林科学价值 forest,social benefits, values, evaluation contents, evaluation methods
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