近年来 ,粗死木质残体 (CWD)的生态保育功能已引起国内外研究者的广泛重视 ,特别是对 CWD的贮量、分解量 (率 )、养分贮量 (C、N等 )、动态变化过程及其特征 ,以及它对森林生态系统的更新演替和生物多样性的保护功能等方面都作了较多的论述和研究。但对它强大的水土保育功能 (抑制水土流失、改善土壤质地 ) ,以及与水土保育相关联的幼苗保育功能等方面研究较少。文中简单地介绍了国内外 CWD研究的现状 ,论述了 CWD抑制水土流失、改善土壤质地保育幼苗幼树的机制与作用 ,并提出了充分利用和发挥
In recent years ,the ecological role of coarse woody debris(CWD) has been paid much attention ,especially on its amount of storage, decay decomposition process(rate) ,nutrient storage (C?N) and dynamic process, as well as regeneration and biodiversity. CWD provides a mores steady input of energy and nutrients and longer-lasting structures and classification of decay .But the big function of soil and water conservation and the improvement of soil texture and seedling nursing have not been studied systematically. CWD covers on the ground and decreases the soil erosion, also provides nutrients and water condition for regeneration.In this paper, some suggestions on forest ecosystem are given. Because of the vital roles of CWD in a forest ecosystem, much more attention should be paid on the management on the ecosystem.
World Forestry Research