目的 探讨缺血性结肠炎 (IC)患者的临床、内镜及选择性血管造影特点及诊断治疗。方法 分析 2 4例缺血性结肠炎(IC)患者的一般资料、临床表现、结肠镜检查、病理组织学、选择性血管造影、治疗反应等改变。结果 本病多发生于 5 0岁以上的中老年人 (87.5 0 % ) ,女性多见 (女∶男为 2∶1) ,且多数 (79.2 % )伴有基础疾病 ,包括心血管疾病、糖尿病、心律失常、腹部手术史。临床表现为腹痛、血便及腹泻等 ,病变多数局限在左半结肠。病变大多为一过性 ,早期内镜和选择性血管造影有助于诊断。早期诊断和尽早使用扩血管及防治感染药物治疗 ,多数预后良好。结论 结肠镜检查、选择性血管造影是诊断缺血性结肠炎 (IC)的主要方法。本病应尽早选用扩血管及防治感染药物进行治疗。
Objective To study the clinical feature , endoscopic and selective angiographic showing, diagnosis and treatment of ischemic colitis. Methods The clinical feature, colonoscopic and selective angiographic manifestations, pathological change and treatment of 24 ischemic colitis were retrospectively analyzed. Results The ischemic colitis mostly occured among the aged older than 50 years and in female than in male (female vs male 2∶1).Most of the patients(79.2%)combined with some chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, cardiac arrhythmia and history of abdominal operation ,etc. The patients suffered from abdominal pain , bloody stool and diarrhea ,etc. The lesion located mostly in left hemicolon and often existed temporarily. Early endoscopy and selective angiography were helpful to diagnosis. If the patients were diagnosed and treated with angiectasiat and anti-inflammation agents earlier, the prognosis would be better. Conclusion Colonoscopy and selective angiography are main diagnosis methods for ischemic colitis. Ischemic colitis should betreated with angiectasiat and anti-inflammation agents as early as possible.
Journal of Shanxi Medical University