目前 ,旅游业已经成为世界上发展势头最为强劲的产业之一。各地方、各部门纷纷看准了这一“无烟”的“朝阳产业” ,正在努力利用各种条件 ,提高旅游产品的质量 ,创建名牌产品 ,来加重本地在竞争中的砝码 ,争取获取更多的经济效益。近 2 0年来贵州旅游业也获得了蓬勃的发展。但在看到贵州旅游业的希望时 ,也同时感到了巨大的竞争压力。贵州旅游业要想在竞争中求得生存与发展 ,就必须创建出自己的旅游品牌和旅游名牌。本文通过对贵州旅游品牌的研究 ,阐述贵州旅游品牌发展的现状 ,对贵州旅游品牌进行问诊 。
At present, tourism has become one of the most promising industries in the world. Many places and departments focus their attention on this “smokeless” and “rising-sun” industry, trying to improve the quality of tourism products, and creating famous brand name to reinforce the local competitive power and gain more economic profits. In the recent 20 years, tourism in Guizhou has been well developed, but great pressure of fierce competition has been brought as well when seeing the hope for future tourism in Guizhou. To survive and develop well, unique and successful tourism brand must be created in Guizhou. This paper describes its related problems, based on which some counter-measures are raised in the end.
Journal of Guizhou University(Social Sciences)