阐述了春小麦主要病虫害麦茎蜂、小麦条锈病、麦穗夜蛾的发生规律及其为害。研究表明用"病虫净乳油"在病虫害发生初期进行防治,经济、高效一药多防。对麦茎蜂、小麦条锈病、麦穗夜蛾的防效分别达95 6%、99 33%和93 48%。1996—2003年全省累计推广1 4×104hm2,达到了一定防治效果。同时研究了抗病品种(系)、秋深翻、轮作等农业措施的综合防治效果。
Occurrence and endanger of major diseases and pests of spring wheat Cephus fumipennis,Puccinia striiforms,Parastichtis basilimeawere stated.The results showed that B.C.J EC was economical ,significant effect and one stone catch two birds to controlling when disease and pest happened primary.Effect of controlling Cephus fumipennis ,Puccinia striiforms ,Parastichtis basilinea were 95.6%,99.33% and 93.48% respectively.The appied cumulative area in Qinghai province was over 14000 hectare since 1996.It has also studied comprehensive controlling effect of resistant verieties deep plough and other cultivation measures simutaneously.
Science and Technology of Qinghai Agriculture and Forestry