
基于面向自治计算的网络用户浏览行为研究 被引量:5

Study on Web Users' Surfing Behavior Via Autonomy—Oriented Computation
摘要 基于面向自治的计算的原理 ,研究得到了网络用户的浏览模式 :浏览深度幂律分布和链接点击的幂律分布关系 ,并且探索了创现模式产生的原因 。 Autonomy oriented computation is a computational system centering on autonomy. It aims to characterize a complex systems behavior and solve hard computation problems. Web users surfing behavior characteristics are studied based on autonomy oriented computation in this paper, and web users surfing patterns are revealed: power law distribution for surfing depth and link clicking frequency. The reason for the patterns is explored and the influence of user autonomy on surfing patterns is discussed.
出处 《中国科学技术大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第3期354-360,306,共8页 JUSTC
关键词 复杂系统 面向自治的计算 自治 创现规律 complex system autonomy oriented computation autonomy emergence
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