Agent联盟是一组平等的、协作的、共同承担任务的 Agent的集合 .联盟的形成往往需要较大的通信开销和计算工作量 .本文提出一种 Agent形成联盟的策略 ,该策略在系统运行的初始阶段 ,保证任务分配的优化解 .而在随后的运行中基于成功合作者集形成 Agent联盟 .该策略保证在接近任务分配优化解的情况下 ,有效减少系统中的可能联盟数以及联盟形成过程中的通信开销和计算量 ,避免联盟形成过程中的盲目性 。
A coalition of agents is a set of equal and cooperative agents that take the task together. But it will take a lot of time and much calculation work to form a coalition. This paper proposes a method to form a coalition. This method produces an optimal solution at the beginning of the system works. And then agents form the coalition based on the set of successful cooperators. The method assures that system will form a coalition close to optimal result at a less communication and calculation costs. It will avoid blindness in coalition formation and improve the efficiency of negotiation.
Journal of Chinese Computer Systems