利用电阻 温度曲线、形状记忆效应 (SME)测定和X射线衍射分析等方法研究了热循环对高Ms 点 (2 30℃ )的Cu 2 4Al 3Mn(原子百分比 ,下同 )形状记忆合金马氏体相变的影响。结果表明 ,热循环使该合金马氏体相变点下降 ,与此相伴随的结构变化是马氏体原子次近邻有序度下降 ,单斜角 β趋近 90°。与传统铜基记忆合金相比 ,该合金具有较高的抗热循环衰减能力 ,最高工作温度可达 35 0℃。该合金的高耐热性来源于 β1母相结构稳定 ,在工作温度下不易分解以及马氏体结构 (β =89.6°)接近于N1 8R ,在一定程度上抑制了热循环过程中M 1 8R向N1 8R的转变 。
The effect of thermal cycling on martensite tranformation in Cu 24Al 3Mn (at%) shape memory alloy (SMA) with high Ms temperature has been studied by means of electrical resistivity vs temperature ( ρ T ) measurement and X ray diffraction. It is shown that with increasing number of thermal cycle, the transformation temperatures decreased, the next nearest neighboring ordering degree reduced and the monoclinic angle β approached to 90°. Compared with conventional Cu based SMA, the present alloy exhibits rather high thermal stability and can work at 350℃. Its excellent thermostability results from its stable β 1 parent phase being difficult to decompose at operating temperature and its martensite structure ( β =89.6°) close to N18R which inhibit the transformation process of M18R→N18R and repress the tendency of martensite stabilization to some extent.
Physical Testing and Chemical Analysis(Part A:Physical Testing)
国家自然科学基金资助 ( 5 0 0 710 69)