钎焊在牙轮轴承上的减磨材料Ag 1 5Mn合金 ,在井式炉渗碳时发生了熔化 ,在钻井使用过程中发生块状剥落。经分析 ,防渗碳涂料中的铜元素在高温下挥发沉积在Ag 1 5Mn合金上 ,形成了低熔点的Ag Cu共晶相 ,导致了减磨合金在渗碳过程中的熔化。渗碳又使Ag 1 5Mn合金形成Ag Mn C三元相 ,降低了减磨合金的润滑减磨性以及造成块状剥落。渗碳前取消钎焊工序 ,渗碳后改用镶嵌减磨合金的方法 ,解决了Ag 1 5Mn合金的熔化和块状剥落问题。
The antifriction material, Ag 15Mn alloy, brazing on the bearing of the bit′s cone is melted when the cone is carburized in the pit furnace and the alloy on the cone is stripped in the form of block when the bit operated in the oil well. The occurance of the phenomena mentioned above is because the Cu elements in the anti carburizing coating are volatized and deposited on the Ag 15Mn alloy under the high tempreture and then forms a low melting point Ag Cu alloy (eutectic phase) which results in the melting of the antifriction alloy during the carburization. When the cone is carburized, the carbon gets into the Ag 15Mn alloy and forms the Ag Mn C of ternary phase which lower the lubrication antifriction property of the alloy and it is stripped in the form of block. It has solved melting of Ag 15Mn alloy and it is stripped in the form of block by brazing operation is canceled before the carburization and antifriction alloy is inlaied after the carburization.
Physical Testing and Chemical Analysis(Part A:Physical Testing)