
构建语文课程的全新理念——小学语文教师在基础教育课程改革中的首要任务 被引量:2

Constructing a New Principle of Chinese Course: On the Initial Mission for the Grade Chinese Teachers in Taking Elementary Educational Reformation
摘要 基础教育课程改革需要一线教师具有新的教育观念、教学行为来实现,而小学语文教师构建一套语文课程的全新理念则是首当其冲。《全日制义务教育语文课程标准(实验稿)》的颁布为我们提供了构建语文课程理念的新思路,即从目标、内容、组织与实施及评价等方面实现语文课程理念的新突破。 In carrying forward educational reformation, the teachers should change their ideas and teaching behaviors. The first to be effected, a wholly new educational principle of Chinese course should be constructed in primary schools. Full-time Compulsory Education Chinese Course Standard (experiment draft) has provided some new ideas in constructing Chinese course principle, namely break through the teaching target, teaching contents, teaching organization and the appraisal of teaching.
出处 《阴山学刊》 2004年第2期115-117,共3页 Yinshan Academic Journal
关键词 小学 语文教师 课程理念 基础教育 课程改革 primary school teacher of Chinese course principle grounding reformation of courses
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