The tensile properties at room temperature of TC11 titanium alloy after high temperature exposure with different temperature and time investigated. The variation and cause of fracture behaviors for TC11 titanium alloy after different high temperature exposure were analyzed. The results show that the tensile properties of TC11 titanium alloy are slightly affected when temperature is lower than 550℃, and on which fractures there are fiber zone and shear lip zone instead of radial zone. When temperature is beyond 550℃, the tensile elongation of TC11 titanium alloy decrease rapidly, and on which fracture there is no fiber zone but only radial zone and shear lip zone. The radial lines converge to a pot adjacent sample surface. Mixed morphology characteristics of ductile ripple, quasi-cleavage and separation along phases and grains were found on radial zone instead of the isometric ductile ripple on fiber zone. Furthermore, quasi-cleavage and cleavage morphology were observed on shear lip zone. The fracture of TC11 titanium alloy after different high temperature exposure resulted from the notch effect of oxygen contamination layer, the precipitation of α_2(Ti_3Al) and the growth of secondary α and β.
Journal of Aeronautical Materials