螺旋孔型斜轧是一种回旋零件加工新工艺 ,具有效率高质量好材料利用率高等优点。由于变形机理特殊复杂 ,至今该技术只在形状简单零件上得到应用。轧件在轧制过程中产生的非圆的大小是轧辊设计的重要参数 ,对轧件缺陷的产生和轧件精度有很大影响。通过分析轧件和轧辊几何关系 ,建立了轧制过程中轧辊和轧件关系的数学模型 ,在此基础上得到了轧件工艺非圆面积计算公式 ,并用实际轧制实验进行了验证 ,结果表明该公式可以准确的计算由螺旋孔型斜轧工艺产生的轧件非圆面积。
Skew rolling of spiral hole is a new kind of manufacturing technology, in which rotational parts are formed It has many virtues such as high productivity, high utilization ratio, high quality For the deformation during rolling is complex and special, it can only be used in manufacturing simple parts now According to the character of process the work piece has non round area during the course, and the non round area is an important parameter in roller designing, which influences the appearing of the voids and cracks inside the part and dimensional accuracy of the part The geometry model of the roller and workpiece is established according their geometrical relation, and the formulas of calculating workpiece' angular velocity, the angular, and the non round area are obtained
Forging & Stamping Technology
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (50 0 350 1 0 )