利用粒子图像速度场仪(PIV)对射流泵渐缩锥形入口、等径直管内有限空间水射流进行测量。该射流泵喉管面积与喷嘴面积之比为4 75,基于射流泵喷嘴直径D和喷嘴出口流速计算的雷诺数为3 68×105。通过流量比在0 20~0 80之间的变化来研究流量比对流场的影响。获得了射流泵对称面流场的速度矢量、轴心速度分布和轴向速度等值线图。结果表明:当射流泵的面积比确定后,射流泵内有限空间射流结构只与射流泵的流量比有关,流量比愈小,其轴心速度衰减得愈快,高速射流区愈短。测量结果为射流泵理论研究和优化设计提供可靠依据。
The present work is an experimental investigation of confined water jet in jet pump. The confined jet in a converging conical inlet and in a constant-diameter pipe of the jet pump is measured by particle imagine velocimetry (PIV). The throat-to-nozzle area ratio of jet pump is 4.75. The Reynolds number based on nozzle outlet velocity and nozzle diameter D of jet pump is 3.68×10~5. The effect of flow rates on flow field of jet pump is studied by changing the flow rates from 0.20 to 0.80. Velocity vectors, centerline velocity decays and axial velocity contours on the symmetry plate of the jet pump are obtained for four flow rates of 0.20, 0.35, 0.60, 0.80 within a length of X/D=13.8. The results show that the confined jet in jet pump depends strongly on the flow rates when the area ratio is fixed. The smaller the flow ratio is, the quicker the centerline velocity decays are, and the shorter the jet′s length of the high-velocity zone is. All results obtained in this paper provide a reliable basis for theoretical study and optimal design of jet pumps.
Advances in Water Science