本文主要介绍获得HPGeγ谱仪对110mAg 65 7.8keVγ射线符合相加修正因子c与137Cs全能峰效率ε的拟合直线回归方程的方法、结果及其验证。用标准110mAg和标准137Cs水溶液 ,各分别制成70mm 1 0个不同高度 ( 5~ 5 5mm)并保持相同活度的掺标源 ;根据137Csγ射线能量与110mAg的 65 7.8keV十分接近 ,利用在HPGeγ谱仪表面测量 1 0个110mAg掺标源 65 7.8keVγ射线的净计数率n和 1 0个137Cs掺标源的探测效率ε的实验数据 ,计算不同源高度的c和ε,经拟合计算得到c =1 .1 1 1 +7.45 4ε(R2 =0 991 5 )。在与其他方法获得的c的比较和在比对 (灰样 )测量的应用中均获得较满意的结果 ;本拟合方程在一定的误差范围内 。
The article mainly introduces the method of the fitting line regression equation of the coincidence summing correction factor c for gamma ray of 110mAg (657.8 keV) and the efficiency of 137Cs full energy peak, and provides the result using HPGe spectrometer and validation for the method. The ten-seep sources which heights range from 5 to 55 mm with diameter of 70 mm,are made by standard 110mAg and 137Cs solution. According to γ energy (657.8 keV) of 110mAg is close to that of the 137Cs gamma ray, testing data are obtained by measuring the net count rate n 110mAg (657.8 keV) of the ten-seep sources and the detection efficiency ε of the ten-seep 137Cs source in HPGe spectrometer. the c and ε of sources with the different heights are calculated and the result is c=1.111+7.454ε(R 2=0.9915) after fitting. The result is in agreement with c obtained by other methods and the applicatioin of c in the measurement of the samples is satisfactory. Meanwhile,the filling equation can be applied to other matrix samples and HPGe spectrometers. (
Radiation Protection