
扁平潜器微速与倒航水动力试验研究 被引量:5

On the hydrodynamic forces of submersible with aerofoil section in forward and backward motions
摘要  在长条水池中进行了具有扁平外形潜器的微速与倒航运动的水动力模型空间斜拖试验,测量了具有攻角和漂角同时存在下的空间运动的三个水动力和三个水动力矩。将测量的水动力和力矩整理成空间角度攻角、漂角的变化关系曲线图,初步得到了其变化规律。最后将水动力和力矩回归成攻角和漂角双变量的表达式。 A model basin tests for submersible with aerofoil section in forward and backward motions is investigated. The measured hydrodynamic forces are plotted as curves with respect to attack angle and drifting angle. Furthermore, hydrodynamic forces are expressed in terms of attack angle and drifting angle.
出处 《水动力学研究与进展(A辑)》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第3期401-406,共6页 Chinese Journal of Hydrodynamics
关键词 潜器 扁平外形 水动力 微速与倒航 submersible aerofoil section hydrodynamic force forward and backward motions
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