心肌肌钙蛋白I(cTnI)是心肌兴奋收缩耦联的主要调节蛋白 ,是肌肉舒缩的分子开关。因其具有高度的组织特异性及检测的敏感性 ,自二十世纪九十年代以来 ,已被作为诊断心肌损伤首选的血清标志物 ,并且在疾病的预后评估中具有重要价值。研究显示收缩蛋白的降解及磷酸化修饰可能在心肌细胞的损伤及功能下降中起重要作用 ,而到目前为止 ,对无症状性心功能不全 ,临床上还没有敏感的诊断方法 ,即使对于明显的心力衰竭患者 ,也缺乏一个判断其心肌损伤程度的指标 ,血清心肌肌钙蛋白I可能会成为一个比较理想的评价心力衰竭患者的指标。同时对肌纤维蛋白结构和功能的研究也为心脏疾病的诊治提供了新的信息 ,其中针对肌纤维设计新药就是一个值得开拓和有应用前景的领域。
Cardiac troponin I (cTnI) is an essential component of the troponin complex and plays a central role in calcium regulation of contraction in cardiac myocytes.With its high specificity and sensitivity,cTnI has been used as a serum marker of myocardial injury since the 1990s.Recently,researchers suggested that the degradation and phosphorylation of contractile proteins might contribute to functional impairment of cardiac myocytes.Heart failure (HF) is still an increasing public health problem.But there is no sensitive method to diagnose and evaluate the HF patients.cTnI may be an ideal index to give an evaluation of the patients with heart failure.Meanwhile,the elucidation of myofibrillar structure and function provides the investigators with new information for diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.And designing new drugs to interfere with myofibrils is a promising field to explore.
Advances in Cardiovascular Diseases