Objective To evaluate the results of different types of reconstruction after subtotal gastrectomy. Methods From May 1994 to April 2002, 53 patients underwent a new type of uncut Roux en Y reconstruction (group A), 37 patients conventional Roux en Y gastrojejunostomy (group B), and 62 patients Billroth Ⅱ anastomosis(group C).The new type of uncut Roux en Y gastrojejunostomy,a modified Billroth Ⅱ gastrojejunostomy, was performed with the afferent jejunal lumen ligated with a silk thread, and pancreaticobiliary secretions diverted through a jejunojejunostomy(Braun anastomosis). The early and late complications were analyzed. Results The early morbidity rates were 9.4%, 13.5%, and 16.1% respectively in group A, B and C, and there were no significant differences among them. The incidence of alkaline reflux gastritis was 1.9% in group A and 5.4% in group B, both significantly lower than 33.9% in group C (P< 0.01). Roux stasis syndrome occurred in 9 patients (24.3%) in group B and 0 in group A(P< 0.01 ). The overall morbidity rate was 11.3% in group A, significantly lower than 43.2% and 50%in group B and group C(P< 0.01). Weight loss was more common in group C than that in group A(P< 0.01). Conclusions The new uncut Roux operation can prevent alkaline reflux gastritis and Roux stasis syndrome. It may be a standard procedure for reconstruction after subtotal gestrectomy.
Chinese Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery