瘦素是由脂肪组织分泌的肥胖基因编码的产物 ;它必须通过与位于下丘脑核区的瘦素受体结合 ,方能发挥调节机体能量代谢等作用。同时 ,瘦素受体与瘦素在外周与中枢间的交流中也有重要作用。因此 ,瘦素受体的研究越来越成为热点。对瘦素受体的基因结构、拼接异构体、分布及功能。
The adipocyte-derived hormone leptin mediates the energy balance by binding its receptor in hypothalamic nuclei. Leptin and leptin receptor play an important role in the communication between central and peripheral systems. The paper aimed to review the new progress of investigation into Ob-R gene structure, spliced isoform, distribution, function and signal transfer. At the mean time, we analyzed the relationship between leptin receptor and other hormones, especially the relationship between Ob-R and insulin.
Journal of Dalian Medical University