作为对Zandonini和da Silva等关于组合节点试验的早期综述的更新,本文介绍了1997年以后的最新试验研究,并总结了组合节点在单调荷载和反复荷载作用下的破坏模式以及荷载形式、节点连接形式和节点域板的加劲方式对组合节点受力性能的影响。
As an update of Zandonini's and da Silva et al. 's reviews on the experiments of beam-to-column composite joints, this paper o-
verviews the new development of the topic after the year of 1997. The failure modes of composite joints under monotonic or cy-
clic loading are summarized as well as the performance changes of composite joints employing various loading schemes,
strengthening methods for beam-to-column connections, and enhancement methods for joint panels.
Progress in Steel Building Structures