”味”是中国古典美学范畴的一部分 ,是具有民族特色的直觉性的味感美学 ,其影响相当深远。本文试图从“味”嬗变为实味、虚味、无味三个阶段的不同侧重点来分别探讨其整一性、模糊性、繁杂性、误导性、趋一性、共通性的成因。
taste is a part of the classic aesthetical category of chinese .Taste is an aesthetics of tasting sense which has the national characteristic and the quality of intuition .Thus it's influence is very profound and lasting .In this dissertation ,according to it's evolving different emphasises during true taste's ,void taste's,tasteless' period, I will attempt to reveal the causes of taste which possess identity ,vague quality,miscellaneous quality,misleading quality,reaching unanimity quality,applicable to all quality.
Journal of Urumqi Vocational University